Constipation – Types, Symptoms, Causes, Complications And Treatment

Have you ever been puzzled as to why your gastrointestinal tract sometimes is not running smoothly? This is that irritation when things just don’t want to follow a particular program. Constipation, the silent intruder that can mess with our daily comfort, is a prevalent but often unacknowledged condition experienced by millions of people globally. With the rush of life, our digestive systems have been pushed into the margin, and thus this halt. Start reading this blog from the beginning to know everything about constipation, and you will see, how you can save yourself from this issue forever.
Constipation Meaning:
Constipation is a very common digestive condition and is characterized by infrequent and uncomfortable bowel movements. Typically, it’s identified when passing small amounts of hard, dry stool occurs less than three times a week. However, what constitutes normal stool elimination varies from person to person, ranging from three times a day to three times a week.
Factors like a lack of fiber in your diet, dehydration, or certain medications can contribute to constipation. It’s essential to understand and address constipation to maintain a healthy and regular digestive process.
Prevalence of Constipation
If you need to check the prevalence of constipation, it is sure that one would have experienced this many times. Constipation is a tummy trouble that lots of people have around the world. It’s pretty common, and estimates say it affects between 2.4% to 30.7% of the people. Constipation doesn’t play favorites; however, it does seem to knock on the doors of certain groups more often. Let’s take a look at them
Women are the ones who frequently experience constipation. According to the statistics, ladies tend to experience constipation more frequently, and this can be linked to factors like hormonal fluctuations during menstrual cycles and pregnancy. These changes can affect the regular movement of the digestive system.
Young Adults:
The next set of people who get constipated are young men and women. The hustle and bustle of young adult life can contribute to a higher prevalence of constipation. Factors like a hectic lifestyle, irregular eating habits, and possibly lower fiber intake could play a role in this age group experiencing constipation more often.
While the societal group exposed to occurrences such as constipation includes youths and women, did you know that the prevalence of constipation is higher in regions such as India and the Middle East? Interestingly, non-white populations have a disposition almost 30% higher than that of white populations for constipation. Scientists have explored these aspects to relate them with constipation: education level, location (urban or rural), and body mass index (BMI). Nevertheless, these domains have yet to resolve the discrepancy.
Types of Constipation:
Constipation can be classified into 4 different types. Learn more about each type, their characteristics, and how impact on our happy lives.

- Chronic Constipation
- Occasional Constipation
- Travel-Related Constipation
- Pregnancy-Induced Constipation
Let’s see what these mean.
Chronic Constipation:
- Description: It is the second step among the various steps in a clinical pathway that indicate impaired mobility in stool passing over a long period.
- Characteristics: Denoted by long-lasting pain that tends to be intermittent and repeating.
- Impacts: The person’s quality of life in general tends to decrease and s/he finds it difficult to perform day-to-day activities.
Occasional Constipation:
- Description: To code, we use the term “sporadic” for cases of trouble in having bowel movements.
- Characteristics: Lack of continuity or an intractable matter.
- Impacts: Likely to cause momentary uncomfortable in the absence of signification damage in usual life.
Travel-Related Constipation:
- Description: Term used to describe delayed as a result of changes in diet or environment during or after travel.
- Characteristics: Often jet lag is triggered by changes in normal actions present during trips or right after wandering.
- Impacts: Usually it causes distress but it is temporary. The problem is often assigned to factors related to traveling.
Pregnancy-Induced Constipation:
- Description: Pregnancy-related constipation can be aggravated by hormonal changes and put pressure on the digestive system.
- Characteristics: It’s a common thread throughout the different gestational phases, and it brings unparalleled difficulties.
- Impacts: These variations, as well as the changes in anatomy, could be responsible for irregular bowel function in pregnancy.
Knowledge of the multiple categories of constipation facilitates the development of an appropriate treatment plan depending on the distinct features and triggers associated with each category.
Stages of Constipation
Understanding the stages of constipation – either be mild or severe assists in realizing how it impacts someone’s daily routine and overall well-being. Recognition of the severity of the problem determines the best practices to respond to and ameliorate it.
- Mild Constipation
- Moderate Constipation
- Severe Constipation
Mild Constipation:
- Description: Occasional abdominal pain when having a bowel movement.
- Frequency: Rare and random cases with a low recurrence rate.
- Impact on Daily Life: In most cases, it has little effect on the person’s daily activities thus they carry on with their regular duties.
Moderate Constipation:
- Description: It is associated with marked pain while having bowel movements.
- Frequency: It occurs more frequently than mild constipation but with occasional spikes in the feeling of being uncomfortable.
- Impact on Daily Activities: Discomfort can lead to minor disturbances while carrying out normal activities but usually does not interfere with complete functioning.
Severe Constipation:
- Description: Indicates severe and chronic pain while passing stool.
- Frequency: Recurrent and protracted cases of constipation.
- Impact on Daily Life and Well-being: It has a strong impact on the daily life of people, and it can be a reason for hindering the usual activities. The constant soreness greatly harms the person’s state of health.
In short, knowing the stages of constipation helps us find ways to leave our stomachs happy and the days comfortable.
Causes of Constipation:
Common causes of constipation and understand why it feels as if things in your gut journey may have slowed down or even come to a stop as you experience certain moments.
- Low-fibre Diet
- Dehydration
- Lack of Physical Activity
- Side Effects of Medications
- Changes in Routine
- Ignoring the Urge
- Neurological Conditions
- Hormonal Changes
- Psychological Factors
- Intake of Laxatives

Low-fibre Diet:
A low-fiber diet, which does not contain an adequate amount of fruits, vegetables, or whole grains, can impact the waste movement in the body because the digestive system cannot fully clean the waste from the body. This is because of dietary fibres’ inadequate representation which results in constipation by decreasing stool size and softness.
Impairing hydration, when there is not enough water intake, causes the formation of dry and hard stools. The low level of moisture in the digestive system results in slower passage of the fecal matter, making the elimination more difficult.
Lack of Physical Activity:
Lack of exercise and sedentary habits influence the functioning of bowels. The body’s motions and regular physical activity contribute greatly to the normal contraction movement of the bowels, thus making easy defecation possible.
Side Effects of Medications:
Primarily, some medications may have the side effect of constipation that would interfere with the normal operation of the digestive system. This includes the prescription of some pain medications, certain categories of antidepressants, and several antacids.
Changes in Routine:
Congestions of regular eating and washroom, which are mostly due to change of routine, distract the usual cycle of bowel movements and are a cause of constipation.
Ignoring the Urge:
Contrary to popular belief, not paying attention to the body’s signals telling that the body needs to have a bowel movement, one lets the stool stay in the colon longer, which then leads to water absorption by the colon and, consequently, to the formation of harder stools.
Neurological Conditions:
Neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, may damage the nerves responsible for the control of bowel function which could result in constipation.
Hormonal Changes:
Hormones, especially for women, could be a factor meaning that you will have bowel problems. Alterations in hormonal levels, during menstruation or pregnancy, are extremely common in constipation occurrence.
Psychological Factors:
High levels of stress and anxiety can cause irregular functioning of the digestive system, hence causing constipation. Stress causes hormones such as cortisol to be released and this can cause slowing down of digestion and bowel movements. Moreover, stress may influence on changing eating habits or lifestyle choices which can aggravate constipation. Furthermore, it is indicated that people who experience chronic stress or anxiety are more likely to contract pelvic floor muscles, which thereby may cause constipation.
Intake of Laxatives:
Continuous intake of laxatives implies the purposeful ingestion of products that are intended to encourage the release of bowel movements. Laxatives are more frequently used to cure constipation on a short-term basis and clean the body of waste. Yet excessive use of laxatives can cause dependence on the body developed to the habit of laxatives which will eventually a weakening of the natural bowel function
Risk Factors Associated With Constipation
You must have asked the question: why does constipation threaten us with recurring visits? Shall we have a look at risk factors of constipation that might make it more prone?
- Age-related Changes
- Gender Disparities
- Dietary Insufficiency
- Physical Inactivity
- Mental Health Influences
Let’s get them one at a time.
Age-related Changes:
The aging process gradually brings changes in the working of the digestive system and a weakness in the muscles leading to a decrease in the movement of the bowel. Constipation can be a problem among the elderly due to age-related changes, and thus, stool passage becomes difficult slow, and frequent.
Gender Disparities:
Women experience constipation that is triggered by hormonal changes around the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause. The role of hormones in the irregularity of regular bowel movements explains the observed high prevalence of the problem among women and possible discomfort while passing stools.
Dietary Insufficiency:
A dietary fiber-deficient diet with an inadequate intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains poses the risk of hardened wastes passing via the digestive tract. This is because of the deficiency, and so you end up having harder stools which makes the stool less frequent and more challenging to have.
Physical Inactivity:
An inactive lifestyle that lacks routine exercise leads to a slowdown of bowel movements. Physiological movement of the intestines activates by exercise, being absent in such activities can cause slowness in the bowel movements which may lead to constipation.
Mental Health Influences:
The axis gut-brain can be subverted by stress, anxiety, and depression thus influencing the digestive processes. Emotional states may affect mental health, which will give rise to either constipation or diarrhea, and this will only increase the mental distress that comes with physical discomfort.
Being aware of these risk factors enables us to be purposeful in our choices regarding our gut health. Therefore, to a healthier internal system and a happier you.
Symptoms of Constipation:
The symptoms of constipation vary from one person to another. Let’s discuss these symptoms and cast some light on how your body will be conveying information about your digestion.
- Infrequent Bathroom Visits
- Struggling to Go
- Hard, Dry Stools
- Unfinished Business
- Aches and Pains
- Rectal Bleeding and Fissures
- Feeling Full
- Changes in Routine
Infrequent Bathroom Visits:
When you have increased time between your toilet visits, constipation might be the reason. Fewer bowel movements are a very important sign that something is out of order in the system of your digestive organs.
Struggling to Go:
Have you ever thought that a bathroom visit is somehow difficult? This is usually a sign of constipation. Straining means your body is attempting to deal with hard or tightly packed stool, indicating that it is harder than normal for the stool to move along.
Hard, Dry Stools:
Have a look at the contents of your toilet bowl. Have your stools become harder and drier than the norm lately? Often, constipation causes this change in structure, and it therefore adds to the difficulty of your bathroom experience.
Unfinished Business:
That “not-quite-all-the-way” experience in the toilet? It’s a common symptom. If you finish your bowel movement feeling like not all is out after one, your body is telling you that there is constipation.
Aches and Pains:
Constipation isn’t about bathroom use only, it is more than that. It can just make your stomach feel uncomfortable. Bloating and cramping often go along with constipation, thus, you may feel your stomach muscles are stretched and uncomfortable.
Rectal Bleeding and Fissures:
The most common side effect is constipation, which may progress to rectal bleeding and anal fissures in more severe cases. Straining during a bowel movement can lead to one having a small tear in the anus which may cause bleeding and discomfort.
Feeling Full:
Apart from making you feel full after a small meal, constipation can also cause such a feeling. Piling up of stool in the intestines results in bloating and remaining a full feeling.
If this kind of symptoms lasts more than a few weeks or if you have strong pains or rectal bleeding you should see a doctor. They can be useful in this regard by leading you to the most suitable method of restoring your own digestive system to the standard.
If these conditions persist for more than 2-3 weeks, or if you have severe pain or rectal bleeding, it’s important to contact your physician. They can assist you in settling in a good way for your digestive system to get back to normal.
How Can You Check If It Is Constipation
It’s likely to be constipation if:
- Infrequent Bowel Movements: You’ve not had a bowel movement at least three times in the past week, or you are experiencing a frequency of bowel movements that is lesser than usual. This might mean that wastes are building up in your intestines, giving you constipation.
- Abnormal Stool Characteristics: Your stool looks huge or small, and it looks dry, hard, or lumpy. A normal stool texture is soft and formed, therefore any change in consistency would be an indicator of constipation. Dry, hard stools are difficult to pass and often cause discomfort.
- Straining or Pain During Bowel Movements: You are feeling straining or pain during bowel movements. Consistency of having a hard stool or pain can be a sign of constipation. The discomfort arises because of the hardened nature of stool which leads to its difficult passage through the intestines.
- Feeling of Incomplete Emptying: After having a bowel movement, you feel like you haven’t really completely emptied the contents. Individuals with constipation may even feel as if there is still stool in their rectum or their colon even after passing the stool. This sensation can contribute to uneasiness and the desire to strain even more.
In addition, you may also experience accompanying symptoms such as: In addition, you may also experience accompanying symptoms such as:
- Stomach Ache: Sometimes, the individual may experience some discomfort or pain in the abdomen region due to the buildup of faeces and gas in the intestines.
- Bloating: The impulse of fullness or the feeling of being bloated can come from the gas that is trapped or the stool that is being held in the digestive tract.
- Nausea: Constipation may sometimes cause nausea or queasiness since the discomfort is often quite intense as its occurrence usually upsets the regular bowel movement.
If you are a caregiver to someone suffering from dementia or an elderly person, you must be vigilant that a condition like constipation may go unnoticed. Note any behavioral changes such as confusion, it could be pointing you to they’re feeling constipation pain, or discomfort.
Complications If Constipation Is Not Treated
Most of the time if the constipation is left untreated, it becomes more than a mere nuisance and may cause several problems that may lead to complications hurting your health as a whole. Let us assess the potential domino effect of constipation that does not get treated and the subsequent impact it can have on your general wellness.
- Prolonged Strain
- Hemorrhoids and Anal Fissures
- Rectal Prolapse
- Impact on Pelvic Floor Muscles
- Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis
- Colon Complications
- Impact on Overall Well-being
The Silent Strain:
In contrast to diarrhea, constipation isn’t usually a serious problem that needs attention. Let us explore the prospective complications that often arise whether constipation is persistent or not.
Hemorrhoids and Anal Fissures:
Left alone, the constipation is progressed to straining during the bowel movements which puts more pressure on the rectum and anus. Patients can experience anorectal symptoms like the development of hemorrhoids— swollen veins in the anal-rectal area and anal fissures- small tears in the lining of the anus as by-products of this pressure.
Rectal Prolapse:
The rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum is prolapsed through the anus by the chronic constipation. It is represented by a relaxation over time of muscles and ligaments that support the rectum due to the constant straining during the process of going to the toilet. Rectal prolapse is not something to neglect because it may need treatment.
Impact on Pelvic Floor Muscles: Impact on Pelvic Floor Muscles:
Due to the palpable constipation, the pelvic floor muscles, which support the rectum and maintain continence can be weakened over time. The reduction of this group of muscles results in conditions called faecal incontinence, whereby people have difficulty controlling bowel movements.
Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis:
Development of diverticulosis, a condition in which tiny sacs are formed in the walls colon, is a well-known risk factor for constipation. If these pockets swell or get infected, the illness becomes diverticulitis and leads to abdominal pain, fever, and changes of the intestine habits.
Colon Complications:
In case the undertreated constipation can lead to problems within the colon like colonic inertia – where the muscles of the colon lose the ability of the normal contraction. This may consequently lead to a remarkable reduction in the number of bowel movements and severe hardening of passing stool.
Impact on Overall Well-being:
In addition to the physiological problems, chronic untreated constipation can be truly catastrophic for the emotional and mental health of a person. Constant pain, irritation, and getting your daily life routines interfered with may result in stress and poor health.
Diagnosis of Constipation:
Have you ever been amazed to know how doctors find the reasons behind constipation? It’s sort of similar to solving a problem, you take the symptoms, your medical health history, and specific tests into account. Let’s look at the diagnosis of constipation, which will enable us to comprehend the route to good bowel health.
- Clinical Assessment
- Medical History
- Physical Examination
- Diagnostic Criteria
- Laboratory Tests
- Imaging Studies
- Anorectal Manometry
- Colonic Transit Studies
- Balloon Expulsion Test
- Biofeedback Therapy
Clinical Assessment:
The healthcare team starts off by checking out the symptoms reported by the patient. Thus, the bowel movement frequency and its features, abdominal pain, and factors that may contribute to it such as diet and lifestyle are considered.
Medical History:
Detailed medical history is vital in pinpointing possible hidden conditions associated with constipation.
Physical Examination:
A comprehensive physical examination—with particular emphasis on the abdomen—assists in evaluating for any pathologies, tender spots, or masses that can cause one to constipate. Then the digital rectal examination is being carried out to examine the tone of the anal sphincter and the rectum.
Diagnostic Criteria:
That which is usual for healthcare professionals is, e.g., Rome IV guidelines that standardize the medical diagnosis of functional gastrointestinal disorders, such as constipation. The requirement criteria would ensure the easy identification of constipation.
Laboratory Tests:
Tests will be held to rule out other conditions that could cause constipation such as low thyroid or diabetes too.
Imaging Studies:
At times, a colonoscopy may be even required to get a view of the whole colon and rectum for any structural anomalies, tumors, or a sign of inflammation. X-rays or imaging studies including, for example, abdominal CT scan may be used to diagnose obstruction or abnormalities in the digestive system.
Anorectal Manometry:
Anorectal manometry is a test which evaluates the working of the rectum and anal muscles as well as nerves. Its strength lies in the fact that it allows to discover deficiencies in muscle coordination which appear during the process of bowel movements.
Colonic Transit Studies:
Migration of the markers, which are ingested into the gut, is what colonic transit studies track. This process determines the time for the contents of the stool to pass through the colon.
Balloon Expulsion Test:
The balloon elimination test examines the capability of evacuating the rectum by passing a balloon that is filled with water. Difficulty performing readiness to pass stool monitoring can be an indicator of rectal function problems.
Biofeedback Therapy:
Biofeedback therapy can be advised as a supporting measure to increase muscle coordination in the pelvic floor area in conjunction with anorectal manometry if it is indicated that function in this area is dysfunctional.
Prevention of Constipation:
Changing constipation calls for a constructive approach that connects the dots of ‘what’ measures to take and the ‘why’ behind them. It goes beyond just following a set of guidelines; it is about knowing how each step plays a very crucial role in a properly functioning digestive system that can be able to ensure improved health and well-being. Here are some tips for prevention of constipation.
- Stay Hydrated
- fibre-Rich Diet
- Regular Physical Activity
- Establish a Routine
- Include Probiotics
- Limit Processed Foods
- Manage Stress
- Listen to Your Body
- Avoid Overuse of Laxatives
- Regular Check-ups
Stay Hydrated: We need to drink the required amount of water on an everyday basis. Sufficient hydration helps to avoid constipation as it allows for the softening of stools which makes them easier to pass. In addition to these, it promotes general digestive health attaining many functions like nutrient transport and regulating the fluid balance for proper digestion.
Fibre-Rich Diet: Consuming fiber from fruits, vegetables, and also whole grains is the principal procedure. High-fiber foods increase the volume of the stools and encourage regular bowel movements. It does the job by giving a balanced gut microenvironment which enhances gastrointestinal well-being and in turn, reduces the risks of the happening of digestive infections.
Regular Physical Activity: Participating in various exercise programs is very mean to achieve more than fitness. It helps as an agent to increase digestive effectiveness. Exercise efforts are known to stimulate the intestine muscles thus facilitating the easy forward movements of stools in the digestive system. This not only prevents but also promotes a healthier gut.
Establish a Routine: Providing daily schedules for meals and bathroom breaks helps not only the digestive system but also your digestive system to find a fine balance. This creates a natural pattern, which provides the appropriate support for digestion and helps to prevent the constipation that comes from the body’s routine being changed.
Include Probiotics: Including probiotic-rich foods or supplements is a very proactive way to approach this. Probiotics support intestinal regularity as well as the body’s immune function by normalizing the gut microflora. They work as a painkiller; the microbiome helps to integrate the gut; they also prevent constipation and related problems.
Limit Processed Foods: Decreasing consumption of processed and also refined foods is crucial. Refined foods with low fiber and poor nutrients may lure a sluggish digestive system. Choosing whole unprocessed options of foods will assure you a healthy diet that keeps you from being constipated.
Manage Stress: The raising of stress management techniques should be adopted. Stressors lead to impaired digestive wellness, and although stress management reduces feelings of depression, it also prevents stress constipation.
Listen to Your Body: This may be a filtered approach, but being aware of hunger, fullness, and natural urges is a simple yet powerful technique. A mindful approach and listening to your body’s cues is part of a healthy functioning digestive system, you avoid constipation and have better health as a whole.
Avoid Overuse of Laxatives: That leads to what is called a judicious use of laxatives. While laxatives provide only temporary relief, if your body becomes overly dependent on them, bowel function will become disrupted. Looking into different methods prevents people from being constipated and at the same time, those people are not at risk of becoming dependent on laxatives.
Regular Check-ups: Having scheduled health check-ups is considered as preventive tactic. Routine monitoring is used to identify the problems early on that can be easily addressed by adequate intervention and prompt management to prevent complications caused by constipation.
By learning about the preventive measures you can take, you will become a conscious chooser for your digestive health. When you apply these practices, not only do you avoid constipation but you also plant a groundwork for continued well-being.
Constipation Treatments
Treatment of constipation is more than just being aware of its symptoms; it’s also about adopting effective solutions that treat the underlying causes. In this article, we will be exploring some actionable steps and understanding both the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of these treatments to lessen constipation and have a healthier digestive tract.
- Dietary Adjustments
- Hydration
- Lifestyle Changes
- fibre Supplements
- Biofeedback
- Prescription Medications
- Enemas
- Surgery
- Homeopathy
Dietary Adjustments:
One key method of combating constipation is through modifying dietary practices. The consumption of fibre-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which bulks up stool, makes it pass through the digestive tract smoothly.
Drinking enough water contributes a lot to constipation prevention and treatment. Water softens urine, thus making it easier to pass through the digestive system. Maintaining the daily water intake regularity helps in overall digestive health and eases constipation.
Lifestyle Changes:
Embedding regular physical exercises in everyday lifestyle helps greatly to improve digestive health. Exercise triggers intestinal muscles to relax thus there are effective bowel movements and the risk of constipation is reduced. Even small lifestyle modifications can bring about significant results, e.g. by taking a walk or engaging in some kind of moderate exercise.
Fibre Supplements:
If fiber from the diet is deficient, fiber supplements can be used as a second source to address constipation. Such supplements, over the counter, can be of assistance in softening the stools and in promoting regular bowel movements, especially when dietary adjustments are not enough.
Biofeedback therapy is a unique method of improving the muscle coordination of the pelvic floor. It provides the advantage when constipation is accompanied by the muscle dysfunction required for bowel movements. This therapy intends to treat the underlying cause of constipation.
Prescription Medications:
Healthcare professionals may recommend certain prescription medications to help address specific underlying causes of constipation or to effectively manage symptoms. For example, prokinetics or stool softeners may be prescribed by healthcare professionals to address the slow movement of the food that is in the intestines or to help ensure that a patient has a more comfortable experience if they have a stool that is hard and dry.
Enemas are used in situations where a person needs quick relief of constipation symptoms. With a person lying on their side, an enema works with a small liquid container attached to a single-use tube, comprised of a combination of water and salt, that is introduced into the rectum to stimulate bowel movements. Enemas are typically used cautiously, under the direction of a healthcare provider.
When traditional treatments are not effective and constipation becomes chronic, surgical options may represent a rare option. Surgery is utilized to correct or address structural problems or underlying issues that perpetuate chronic constipation.
Homeopathy Treatments for Constipation:
Another alternative approach to treating constipation, homeopathy is a branch of alternative medicine; it operates on the notion that the body’s natural healing process can be stimulated by highly diluted substances. Those whose symptoms and constitution would benefit from certain constipation remedies might find relief from symptoms when using this course of treatment.
Understandably, treatment planning that is specifically tailored to individual needs and conducted in conjunction with a homeopathy doctor will be the most effective means to truly encounter relief and long-term digestive health.
Understanding Homeopathy at Dr. Care Homeopathy:
The Dr AM Reddy team at Dr Care adheres to the principles of homeopathy, in which each individual is treated as unique. This means that there main emphasis is not placed solely on a person’s exact physical symptoms, but rather upon the emotional and mental aspects of each individual. In doing so, they aim to provide a correct and comprehensive assessment of an individual’s health, enabling them to offer a fully tailored approach to relieving constipation.
Homeopathic Remedies Work at Dr Care:
At Dr Care, using homeopathic practices to help the body heal itself naturally is the main motto of the team. The diluted remedies, highly used, aim at minimizing the body response, promoting balance, and relieving the constipation symptoms gently.
Consulting Dr AM Reddy’s Team: Consulting Dr AM Reddy’s Team
The professionals conduct a thorough assessment that takes into account the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of the person and the right prescription is exact for the same individual.
At Dr. Care homeopathy clinic, we offer a tailored homeopathic solution under Dr AM Reddy team lead to treat constipation. This dedicated team that can concentrate on each person’s needs wants to offer soft and solid relief. If you want to choose natural treatment options for digestive health, Dr Care allows you to consult the right remedies that will not only ease but completely end the constipation problem
Frequently Asked Questions
Is banana good for constipation?
Add bananas as part of your diet in case you have constipation to soften your stools and make them easier to pass.
Could you tell me what to eat when I am constipated?
If you are constipated take foods that are a source of fiber like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. Drink not only water but do not overneed dairy and processed foods.
How to avoid constipation?
Avoid constipation by consuming enough fiber, drinking enough water, being active, and not holding in your farts.
Why does constipation occur?
It is your body that absorbs water more from the food thereby making your poop hard which is the cause of constipation. Complications may occur if not enough fiber is eaten, enough water is not drunk, or if some medications are taken.
Which products help relieve constipation during pregnancy right now?
Pregnant women can try consuming more fiber, drinking water, and staying active for constipation relief. It is significant to consult a medical practitioner first before any drug is consumed.
What to eat while being constipated and bloated?
When you're constipated and bloated, you should consume more steamed or boiled fruits, veggies, rice, and yogurt. Drink lots and lots of water, and don't eat foods that bloat you up, like beans, and fizzy drinks.